CEO Noravision & Noravisiondecentralized Art Investments, UNECE Expert, ( https://www.artsy.net/artist/norma-de-saint-picman )
Women of many talents, Norma de Saint Picman is an outstanding franco slovenian intermedia artist working internationally in painting, graphics, sculpture and ceramic sculpture, engaged in building a bridge between classical art-forms and Gesamtkunstwerk NFT.
She is engaged in several years projects search, interwoven Parallel realities, classical and modern, Associated fragments of Realities, exploring intermedia installations connecting video, dance and music improvisationsincluding expressive figurative postmodern approach.
Being an innovator with pioneering ideas , founder of Noravision Gallery and Noravisiondecentralized Art Investments ultimately devotes herself to find ways of monetising artworks as valuable financial assets, now becoming possible with divers kinds of NFT and tokenisation, as per completing her dream of building a global blockchain based Art platform – Noravisiondecentralized, an decentralized ecosystem through which an eclectic pool of artists, collectors, investors, auction houses, and galleries gather in efforts to raise awareness of the world’s most talented artists through liquidable digital-asset investments, an AI powered digital community, and blockchain-driven authenticity & tracking protocols.
“I search constantly to transform my feelings and impressions of the world through different artistic media – drawing, painting, sculpture, multimedia – video, poetry, dance and performance, creating my own mainly figurative postmodern style which consists of works on paper – etchings, lithographs from my time in Paris, aquarelles, oil paintings, digital graphics, mounted onto old classic furniture, ceramics and ceramic sculptures, polyester sculptures “Priestesses”, sand blasted mirrors and windows, however last editions of “Luce dell eterno”, exposed at Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara, Murano, and “Metamorphoses” are series of expressive oil paintings on the solar panels, part of Noravisionsolar project, which is a project based on a sustainability and creative recyclation. “