NORAVISION, is a decentralized ecosystem through which an eclectic pool of artists, collectors, investors, auction houses, and galleries gather in efforts to raise awareness of the world’s most talented artists through liquidable digital-asset investments, an AI-powered digital community, and blockchain-driven authenticity & tracking protocols.
Within the art world, there are many challenges in the process of becoming an artist whom may be able to thrive from their passions of artistic creation, no matter which medium artists’ may be leveraging. In order for most new artists to garner a foundation of publicity in which will allow them to earn monetary value from their creations, they will have to know the right people, possess to the financial means to invest in marketing & PR, and/or spend beyond full-time hours in focus of making the impossible, possible. Artworks in which become very valuable over time, due to many impetuses, have the potential to be subject to fraud, forgery, theft, and many other detrimental practices; with pieces involved in negatively-oriented activity, the black market is the go-to arena for resale. On top of which, many art deals and exchanges are being loosely measured, and tracked, due to the very archaic methods of many dealers/galleries, along with owners discreetly maneuvering art ownership. The mission of the NORAVISION platform is to create further transparency in efforts to demotivate the art black market, whilst offering higher transactionatory speeds, within a fully-traceable art world.
On the other side of the art culture is where investors and collectors naturally reside, as they are an essential fuel source for the culture’s expansion and sustainability. Some of the major pain points investors and collectors face include the purchasing of forged artworks; the diminishing of investment value and return caused by inadequate support for artists post purchase of their work(s); and private collections being subject to theft and/or being untraceable due to incidents and emergencies. For these pain points, and beyond, involving artists, galleries, auction houses, investors, and collectors, NORAVISION has a cultivated a tangible solution in which is transmuting the collective paradigm of the art world, forever.
While the art market in 2018 was evaluated at US$67.4 Billion, [1] statistics show that “in the US, 75% of artists make $10,000 or less per year from their art.” [2] While, “the percentage of artists across the United Kingdom surveyed by the group a-n, who received no payment at all for exhibiting or presenting their work in 2010, nor even being reimbursement for expenses is 59 percent. [3] With these staggering pain points, it is evident that the art market is becoming more competitive whilst taking on a new form of proper practice and etiquette. The NORAVISION team perceives that one of the most important aspects of this modern adaptation is the leveraging of cutting-edge technologies of which focus on giving power back into the hands of artists, whilst helping artists proliferate their brands on an exponential level, internationally.
At the core, functional level, the NORAVISION ecosystem leverages “eDLT (Enterprise Distributed Ledger Technology)” technology, of which boasts a custom Blockchain protocol. In efforts to decentralize the art world, each member of the NORAVISION ecosystem acts as a “node” which has the capacity to engage in smart-contract based transactions and data sharing that is traced from the artists, to the end-clients. In the position of acting as a “node,” each ecosystem member has the luxury to reference their association within the art world through a hyper-secure and accessible manner via Blockchain; whether it be the history of artists’ complete works; the ownership-trail of a single artwork; and/or the complete, transactional activity of an auction house. Due to the decentralized manner of the NORAVISION ecosystem, each member has the complete right of privacy over their data and personal information sharing, of which is especially important when protecting the privacy of the entire ecosystem. With each node acting as an active member of NORAVISION, the eDLT-powered platform allows for a true peer-to-peer experience in which enables new artists and galleries to connect with passionate investors and collectors, in a transparent and creative manner, through offering each member AI-driven curation via an intuitive e-boutique; authenticate and physically track art on different scales with the latest IoT (Internet of Things) hardware; whilst allowing for artists to “tokenize” their businesses, and raise funds from their audience base in a seamless, highly-liquidable fashion.
Via the NORAVISION ecosystem’s fundraising model, we were able to create the world’s first example of tokenizing artists themselves through which he/she is able to share gross revenues with his/her investor community via a Digital Security Offering (otherwise known as a Security Token Offering – STO). Due to the fact that artists are now able to crowdfund through an accredited and liquidable investment offering for their creations, let alone businesses, NORAVISION aims to end the unfortunate complex of the “starving artist,” as we believe that artists who choose to access their talents deserve to garner the right attention and energy.
In NORAVISION’s valiant mission of attempting to end the “starving artist” complex, we are providing deep security, transparency, and a more intuitive digital community for the art world, whilst our mission is at the forefront of our every step of expansion. In the near future, NORAVISION will be a cornerstone in the art world, and all of its inner-workings, as the main element of our “why” is fueled by personal pain points stemming from our Founder’s experience as an artist herself. NORAVISION was built for the international Art community, by members of the international Art community.
all rights reserved NORAVISION 2019
by Joshua Anthony
Norma De Saint Picman