NORAVISIONSOLAR paintings on solar panels

Norma De Saint Picman, Priestesses, 120 Guardians of Harmony project, 1997, sculptural Installation, Norma De Saint Picman Noravisionsolar Noravisiondecentralized credits

NORAVISION Decentralized arts ecosystem


    Noravisionsolar project started in 2018, with creation of Queen of Sun ( La Reine Soleil) dyptique, combining acrylic painting and  assemblage, and continued later essentially with plein-air created works in postmodern impressionistic and expressionistic manner. 

    The project took an activist position yet from the beginning as being promoter of clever and sustainable recycling and upcycling of solar panels, driven also by rather troubling informations spread from IRENA’ s report in 2016. 

     However, in the same report, important statement happily gives credits to Europe : “ At present, only the European Union (EU) has adopted PV-specific waste regulations. Most countries around the world classify PV panels as general or industrial waste. “

The solution in the future is the production of harmless conductors, and the current problem can partly be solved by converting the solar panel to the image base, mural in subways, airports, tunnels – (rough rock tunnels, on the way from Bologna to Monaco …) as well following the model of the art platform Paddle 8, which conducted an auction of painted solar panels in the summer 2018.

  In latest reports ( 2023) considering situation in United States, advices and regulations around landfills can be tracked as indicated by RE-POWERING AMERICA’S LAND INITIATIVE.

CIRCULAR ECONOMY, as stated by the same IRENA, can be citated here :”Circular economy practices are one of the most important pillars for achieving emission reduction targets and accelerating the energy transition. They are expected to play a significant role in the pursuit of efficiency improvements over the medium and long term. A circular economy approach can avoid unnecessary adverse environmental impacts, build synergies and deliver economic and social benefits.”   

  In Slovenia, the distinguished solar producer, BISOL Company, actively participates in the European recycling platform. The company maintains a set of certificates, accessible at the following link. These certificates are pivotal for their operations in the highly demanding and environmentally-conscious European markets, serving as evidence of the environmental integrity of their products. In accordance with the indicated direction, the artist has been successfully collaborating with BISOL Company since 2019, aligning the principles of upcycling with the company’s robust commitment to sustainability.

   Extending the lifespan of the solar panel itself promotes responsible storage and fosters a sustainable economic model. This approach not only addresses the end-of-life management of older panels but also establishes a mechanism for upcycling, resulting in the generation of distinctive added value..

Norma De Saint Picman painting “Sunset at Lido, Hommage to Maurizio d’Eltri – Lido di Venezia Isola d’oro” in her studio, 2020, credits Aron Stojan Pičman

The paintings use the concept of the ready-made, in a changed contextual context they are placed into the historical course of time and at the same time have a positive influence with their decorative, aesthetic, expressive, and energetic value on the life of viewers – users, solve the problem of destruction of old panels and harmful effects on the environment while also providing revenue for artists and others – gallerists, auction houses, curators – in the Noravision Decentralised Arts ecosystem.

Norma De Saint Picman at Blockchain Week Europe presenting paintings from Noravisionsolar project, Noravisiondecentralized Art Investments, September 2021, at Digital Center od Slovenia, Ljubljana , credits Dare Stojan

Diptych The Sun Queen uses the principle of creative recycling in applying the sun cover, rags, and pallets while leaving a visible solar grid, only slightly indicated in the Impressionist Sunset, acrylic paints are used.

“La reine Soleil”, diptych, painting on the solar panel, 200 x 164 x 4 cm, 2019, credits Norma De Saint Piman, Noravision Gallery


The work was done in collaboration with Suncontract’s CEO, Mr. Gregor Novak, and a Blockchain Lady, using the sandblasting techniques to equip their new business premises.


Blockchain Lady, arrival at new company premises, Sunconctract, 2019, credits Norma De Saint Picman

Daily motifs are made in plein air principle in situ – Port of Koper, Port of Trieste, used classic oil paints.

The latest panel series that summarizes more of the night’s motifs is Venetian, Rialto, including the pictures of the flooded Saint Marco Square in Venice, which also points to climate change, they were made using photographs by Venetian artist and my friend , designer and architect Ana Maria Reque. ( Venezia e spettacolare anche nella tragedia…)

Venezia e spettacolare anche nella tragedia, Hommage à Ana Maria Reque“, painting on solar panel, 2020, credits Norma De Saint Picman

I made the panels in collaboration with Bisol, a solar panel manufacturer so the original is made in Slovenia.

The physical final product, therefore, envisages the selection of already made panels, which, for the needs of metro, tunnel, and airport equipment, are printed by means of digital printing on transparent adhesive film, which is glued (according to the principle of edited graphics) to the panels to be installed in the tunnels. , etc …; part of the project covers graphically processed drawings in the sandblasting technique, but all of them still need to be protected with a special varnish.

  The big painting, is placed just at the main entrance wall, aligned with the big Murano Glass luster, is inspired by a photograph of Maurizio Eltri, beautifull sunset from Lido Di Venezia, published in the group Lido di Venezia -Isola d’Oro. Some works are inspired by lusters and architecture of Santa Chiara ( Santa Chiara Diptyque), and another, slightly Diabolique Mask in Red, inspired by a photo of the past events at Santa Chaira.

“Sunset – Lido di Venezia, Isola d’Oro, Hommage a Maurizio Eltri”, 164 x 500 x 4 cm, 2020.
1. Starting of the painting, august 2020, studio Noravision;
2. recent presentation at the occasion of the Energy Globe Award organized by Advantage Austria, at Sheraton Four Points by Ljubljana Mons, on 4.11.2021, Ljubljana, with Tyasha Alion, Tara Jovanović, Ani Klemenčič in front of painting;
3. three images from Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara, Murano, Luce dell eterno Exhibition, during Venice Glass week 3 . – 15. 9. 2020, live performance in front of the painting. Steeped in history, the Ex Chiesa di Santa Chiara – a medieval Church –  is one of the most ancient structures on the Island of Murano whose halls have previously hosted everyone from simple nuns to exalted Doges and even Casanova. Another inspiring component is the fact of the proximity of the Murano Glass Gino Mazzucatti Factory, the fact that there was a glass production taking place in Santa Chiara and the fact that I love industrial places – brick factories ( Made several projects with Wienerberger , Goriške opekarne ) and glass Factories…
4. Križanke Lapidarium, by Plečnik, Ljubljana, during Artes Dei Exhibition, Sept 27th – Oct 27th, 2020

  Another theme aborded is linked with Slovenian architect Jožef Plečnik as my mother Alenka Kham Pičman was his student, depicting motifs from Križanke, restored by him, near old Church of the Cross where Ljubljana Festival is based where I’d presented at Lapidarioum atrium, and Knight’s hall, ARTES DEI, the works as Virgin Mary with a child, Diptyque of Wiseman and Beatrice….

“Artes Dei”, performance and exhibition, Sept 27th – Oct 27th, 2020, Festival Ljubljana, Ljubljana Križanke, Lapidarium, Diable’s Court, Knight’s Hall. Dance Opening Performance, La Divina, Dante Alighieri recitation, italian Arias, piano improvisations…
Another video from Križake is proposing cooperation – crafting an original message for divers business, companies, art as a promotional tool..
In this video artist is talking about exhibition Artes DEI at Plečnik’s Lapidarium of Festival Ljubljana, and we see also scenes from improvisations in Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara, Murano island… The installation in the Entrance Hall of Ljubljana’s Križanke completes the cycle as the third in a series of exhibitions in September, which included a presentation with performance and ceramic sculpture at “Fragmented Identities”, BORDERS Festival by ITSLIQUID platform in Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello in Venice (September 4, 2020), and a major solo exhibition of paintings on solar panels, ceramic sculptures, painted ceramics and glass plates with the opening performance “Luce dell eterno”, (5–17 September 2020), as part of the parallel exhibition of the 4th edition of the international Venice Glass Week, and the 77th Venice Film Festival at the Lido di Venezia, in the restored medieval Glass Cathedral – Santa Chiara, Murano.

  The titles of current exhibitions – Luce del eterno and Artes Dei ( Festival Ljubljana presentation) are inspired by christian religion, and also Paradiso of Dante Alighieri; the first time I entered Santa Chiara I had a deep religious feeling, even accentuated by a fact of simple and ascetic shape of the main hall , beauty of aescetic brick walls, tall ceiling, lusters and a sunlight penetrating the edifice.

Collage from Artes Dei and Luce dell’eterno projects, Festival Ljubljana and Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara, Murano, credits Guiseppe Belluardo, Ana Maria Reque, Norma De Saint Picman, 2020

  Another inspiring component is the fact of the proximity of the Murano Glass Gino Mazzucatti Factory, the fact that there was a glass production taking place in Santa Chiara and the fact that I love industrial places – brick factories ( Made several projects with Wienerberger , Goriške opekarne ) and glass Factories…

  The external structure of the panels, which are manufactured by BISOL, is made from glass and undergoes a process in which it is painted with oil colors and then coated with a special varnish..

This video unveils more information about a process of creation, limited edition prints and a certification on the blockchain.